It's a proud moment for BJEMS-II fraternity. The 12th results of 2022-23 has added laurels to the feather of BJEMS-II. Out of 117 students, 10 students scored above 90%. Tanmaya Mohanty topped the results scoring 98.4% in Science Stream, followed by Stiti Pragyan Jena scoring 95.2% and Deeksha Dey scoring 94.6%. Anushree Lenka has topped in Commerce stream scoring 85%.

19 students got above 90 percentage in Class X.

The outstanding performance was by Saswat Ray who scored a blooming 97.2% and secured the first position followed by a close competition put up by Ishita Mohapatra who scored 96.4% and secured second position. The third position was scored jointly by Antariksha Mishra and Sai Krish Behera and they achieved 95.6%.